Teaching Journals Directory: Page 6

CETL provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. Click on the title of a journal to visit its home page.

You can filter results using the “Topic in Higher Education” or “Discipline” drop-down menus. To return to the full list, set the drop-down menu options to “Any.”

This directory was last updated in April, 2024. To submit a request to make a change or an addition to this list, please contact us at cetl@kennesaw.edu

KSU faculty can find a specific journal title or access full text articles by visiting the KSU library website.


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  • ATEA Journal

    Articles submitted for publication in the ATEA Journal should address the quality and scope of postsecondary technical education and related programs. The topics should be of interest to postsecondary technical educators. Sponsoring Organization: American Technical Education Association  –  May 21, 2020

  • Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

    The Australasian Journal of Educational Technology is the journal of ASCILITE, the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. It aims to promote research and scholarship on the integration of technology in tertiary education, promote effective practice, and inform policy. Sponsoring Organization: Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education  –  May 20, 2020

  • Australasian Journal of Engineering Education

    The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is published under the auspices of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AaeE), a technical society of Engineers Australia. The journal is offered as a means of exchanging current work and ideas, predominately from Australasian engineering education faculties and as a resource for Continuing Professional Development for our community. The journal is open to members and non-members of Engineers Australia. Sponsoring Organization: Australasian Association for Engineering Education  –  May 19, 2020

  • Australasian Journal of University Community Engagement

    The journal is peer-reviewed and has a strong focus on research, theory and practice about university engagement with an aim to strengthen the ‘scholarship of engagement’. Published bi-annually, the e-journal demonstrates the diversity of activity that occurs within both our institutions and our communities. Social responsiveness in higher education, community engaged learning and research, collaborative partnerships and higher education post-Bradley is explored, analysed and reviewed. Sponsoring Organization: Engagement Australia  –  May 18, 2020

  • Australian Journal of Environmental Education

    An internationally refereed journal which publishes papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education. It presents information and argument which stimulates debate about educational strategies that enhance the kinds of awareness, understanding and actions which will promote environmental and social justice. Sponsoring Organization: Cambridge University Press  –  May 17, 2020

  • Australian Journal of Music Education

    The Australian Journal of Music Education (AJME) publishes articles that enhance knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of music with a special interest toward the Australian music education community. This may include articles that report results of quantitative or qualitative research studies, summarize bodies of research, present theories, models, or philosophical positions, etc. Articles should include a discussion of implications and applications to music teaching and learning, defined broadly. Sponsoring Organization: Australian Society for Music Education  –  May 16, 2020

  • Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom

    A professional journal of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc. This journal is written for anyone interested in primary mathematics education, but mainly for classroom teachers; it considers current issues, encouraging reflection of practice, and promotes innovation. Sponsoring Organization: Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers  –  May 15, 2020

  • Babel

    Babel is the AFMLTA’s professionally refereed journal – each volume includes three issues. Featuring general and research articles, reviews, and reports about the teaching and learning of languages, and language policy at primary, secondary, and tertiary level, Babel is the only scholarly journal for languages education in Australia. The journal was awarded a B-ranking in the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Ranked Journal List. Sponsoring Organization: Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations  –  May 14, 2020

  • Bilingual Research Journal

    The Bilingual Research Journal is the National Association for Bilingual Education’s premier scholarly, peer-reviewed research publication. Bilingual Research Journal delivers in-depth coverage of education theory and practice, dealing with bilingual education, bilingualism, and language policies in education. The journal has a strong interest in matters related to the education of language minority children and youth in the United States, grades PreK-12, but articles focusing on other countries are often included if they have implications for bilingual education in the U.S. Sponsoring Organization: National Association for Bilingual Education  –  May 13, 2020

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education is an international journal aimed to enhance teacher preparation and student learning in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and related sciences such as Biophysics and Cell Biology, by promoting the world-wide dissemination of educational materials. Sponsoring Organization: Wiley  –  May 12, 2020
