CETL On-Demand Webinars and Other Micro-Credentials

Kennesaw State University uses micro-credentials as a digital recognition of achievement for completion of professional development in a specific field or skill. At KSU, there are four levels of micro-credentials: Souvenirs, Level I Badges, Level II Badges, and Digital Certificates. Levels are distinguished by the work required to earn the credential. Each KSU micro-credential undergoes a review by the university-level Micro-Credential Committee for alignment with KSU standards. Micro-credentials are awarded and maintained in Badgr where you can view your record of earned badges as well as all KSU micro-credentials available.

For faculty, micro-credentials are a way to demonstrate and catalog professional development. CETL currently offers the following micro-credentials for KSU faculty, graduate students, and postdocs. Check back often as we continue to add available micro-credentials.

    • CETL Graduate Student Teaching Orientation

      CETL Graduate Student Teaching Orientation

      Earn this souvenir by attending the Graduate Student Teaching Orientation (GSTO), offered in August of each year.

    • Getting Started with SoTL at KSU

      Getting Started with SoTL at KSU

      Earn this souvenir by viewing the 15-minute, on-demand webinar, participating in a synchronous webinar, or participating in an in-person workshop. 

    • expanding the nest badge

      Introduction to Expanding the Nest

      Earn this souvenir by reviewing parts 1-3 of the Expanding the NEST Series and submitting the Expanding the NEST Questionnaire.

    • TILT: Assignment Design for Transparency in Teaching and Learning

      TILT: Assignment Design for Transparency in Teaching and Learning

      Earn this souvenir by viewing the 33-minute, on-demand webinar, participating in a synchronous webinar, or participating in an in-person workshop. 

    • metacognition souvenir

      Using Metacognition to Reframe Our Thinking About Learning Styles

      Earn this souvenir by viewing the 15-minute, on-demand webinar, participating in a synchronous webinar, or participating in an in-person workshop. 

    • educational psychology souvenir

      What Educational Psychology Can Teach Us About Student Success

      Earn this souvenir by viewing the 17-minute, on-demand webinar, participating in a synchronous webinar, or participating in an in-person workshop. 

    • SoTL Fundamentals

      SoTL Fundamentals

      For this Level 1 Badge, participants will extend their learning about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) through readings, videos, and personal reflections.

    • SoTL Research Design

      SoTL Research Design

      For this Level 1 Badge, participants will learn about research design in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) by engaging in a thorough inquiry process that promotes the development of a well-informed research design for a SoTL project.

    • nest badge

      Implementing NEST Practices for Student Success

      For this Level 1 Badge, participants will attend at least two “Expanding the NEST” related professional development opportunities, prepare a brief implementation plan describing how they will engage in at least one Expanding the NEST practice explored during the professional development opportunities, and complete the Expanding the NEST questionnaire.
