Custom Programs for Departments and Colleges

CETL is pleased to invite KSU units with instructional roles to submit custom programming requests. Each semester, you will get an opportunity to submit your request for the following semester.

We are currently accepting submissions for custom programs for Spring 2025 until November 4, 2024

Kennesaw State University deans, assistant or associate deans, chairs, directors, assistant or associate chairs and directors, and program directors can request custom workshops, webinars, series, or guest facilitation of teaching and learning principles for faculty development as well as for graduate student teaching and part-time faculty.

CETL will review each request to ensure it is a fit for mission, in-house expertise, and capacity. We will then respond to each request with a plan for next steps, collect additional information as needed, and work with you to schedule the event. Please note that to best serve the needs of KSU and operate within the limitations of CETL's resources, some requests may need to be combined, postponed, or redirected. 

During the planning process, CETL staff will collaborate with you to provide customized content relevant to your specific context with groups of instructors or graduate students in a college, department, or affinity group on any of the topics listed below. A custom approach addresses your unique needs to ensure meaningful and productive events.  

Custom Programming Process

  • A request for customized content on a topic area is submitted on behalf of a particular group of instructors.  
  • CETL staff meet with the person making the request to discuss their unique needs. 
  • CETL staff and the person making the request partner to plan logistics 
    • Event date and time 
    • Event format (virtual, in-person, hybrid, etc) 
    • Event location or platform 
    • Number of expected participants 
    • How prospective participants are recruited and shared with CETL 
  • CETL staff provide a description of the event to be shared with prospective participants
  • The event is held 
  • Feedback is collected to document event effectiveness and address any needs for follow-up


    • Effectively assessing student work
    • Using or adapting existing assessment tools for my discipline
    • Differing approaches to assessment
    • Improving for a future performance as opposed to judging the quality of a final product
    • using early, timely feedback to enhance student participation and engagement
    • Getting students to do their homework
    • Why students don't do the assigned reading
    • Getting students to engage in class discussions
    • Relationship between motivation and student success
    • Defining characteristics of the disconnected student
    • Getting to know our students
    • Understanding how to create a welcoming class climate
    • Creating a relationship-rich culture in the classroom
    • Collaborative learning as a high-impact practice to create deeply meaningful and long-lasting results for students
    • Designing collaborative experiences for your students
    • Strategies and tools available to help facilitate successful collaborative experiences
    • Models for course design;
    • Starting with the end in mind
    • Aligning pieces of the course
    • Systematically applying a course design process that will be appropriate for the students in your discipline
    • Soliciting student feedback at multiple times during the semester
    • Viewing student feedback as one of many data points that can inform teaching
    • Strategies for soliciting student feedback
    • Boosting student course evaluation response rates, ensuring students understand the purpose and use of course evaluations
    • Planning for development of students’ critical thinking skills
    • Defining what it means to think critically
    • Exploring a range of questioning styles and methods
    • Identifying specific strategies to improve critical thinking
    • Getting all students actively involved in the course
    • Using active learning
    • Using groups/teams
    • Setting the stage on the first day of class 
    • Proven techniques to help get students reading course materials
    • Helping students get more out of their reading while they are doing it
    • Integrate other aspects of your course with the reading process  
    • Disciplinary associations and private foundations
    • Federal agencies and proposals that have an educational research component
    • Locate internal and external resources to support and strengthen SoTL research projects
    • Differences between SoTL and related concepts like assessment, program evaluation, and educational research
    • Steps to creating a thorough, rigorous SoTL research design
    • Preparing an IRB proposal for a SoTL study
    • Disciplinary and interdisciplinary opportunities for dissemination
    • Resources available to support SoTL at KSU

Submit a Request
