Teaching Academy for Part-Time Faculty
March 10, 2025 - March 11, 2025 | 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m
Event Type: Special Event
Location: Virtual
Facilitator: CETL
The Teaching Academy for Part-time Faculty is a two-day learning event facilitated online and offered during spring break each year. The academy is designed to introduce faculty members who teach part-time to research on how people learn and to teaching strategies found to foster deep learning in our students.
This virtual experience includes both synchronous meetings (everyone logged in at the same time) and asynchronous sessions (time to work on your own off-line). The academy requires attendees to participate in group discussion board conversations and personal reflection exercises. There will also be activities to help you apply the theories and research to your own courses.
Some of the topics discussed will include:
- How prior knowledge influences learning
- How humans process information and organize knowledge
- Motivation and the role it plays in student learning
- The function of practice and feedback
- How student development impacts learning
- The importance of course and classroom climate
- Metacognition and self-directed learning
Tentative Agenda
Please ensure that you are available to participate fully on March 10 and 11, 2025.
Monday, March 10
8:00am – 10:00am Opening Session (everyone must attend this online synchronous session)
10:00am – 4:30pm Asynchronous Work Time
4:30pm – 5:00pm Closing Session (synchronous check-in)
Tuesday, March 11
8:00am – 9:00am Day 2 Opening Session (synchronous check-in)
9:00am – 3:30pm Asynchronous Work Time
3:30pm-5:00pm Closing Session (synchronous)
Application Deadline
Monday, January 13, 2025 - 5:00pm
Upon completion each Academy participant will receive $750 additional pay.
Funding is competitive and applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- teaching philosophy
- motivation to attend
- foreseeable gains in the applicant's teaching practice.
All currently active part-time KSU faculty who have not previously attended/participated. Must be able to participate virtually on Mon. March 10th and Tues. March 11th from 8am to 5pm.
Selection and Application Process
Thank you for your interest. The application is closed. Please look for the application for the 2026 Teaching Academy for Part-Time Faculty in Fall 2025.