Faculty Poster Printing

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) offers limited poster printing services for all Kennesaw State University (KSU) faculty who are presenting their poster at an academic conference. CETL has a plotter printer that will produce high-quality, single page, 36" x 48" color posters. Each KSU faculty member is eligible for one (1) conference poster per academic year. We are not able to print posters that do not meet the policies below. For all other poster printing needs, please visit the Teaching Resource and Activity Corner or Campus Print Shop for other printing options. 

Faculty can pick up their printed poster at the CETL House (3211 Campus Loop Road; Kennesaw, GA 30144). 

Suggested KSU Poster Templates

    • Please submit posters at least five business days prior to due date. Posters cannot be printed on the same day.
    • Poster printing is available to KSU faculty who have been accepted to present a poster at a conference. Please upload conference acceptance confirmation (e.g., conference acceptance letter, conference acceptance email notification, screenshot of conference program listing faculty member as presenter, etc.) when completing the poster printing request form (PDF or JPG file).
    • All posters submitted must be designed or converted to PowerPoint.
    • We can only print one copy of the poster. 
    • Please follow the design tips and templates to ensure good print quality. We also ask you to proofread your materials before submitting for print. 
    • If you have questions about your poster's content and/or layout, please contact cetl@kennesaw.edu.
    • Poster can only be printed at 36" x 48" or 48" x 36". Please follow the design tips and templates.
    • Due to the cost of printing the poster, we are not able to reprint posters due to any mistakes, improper formatting, or poor print quality.
    • Posters may not have large solid backgrounds. We can print graphics and images in small quantities on a research poster, but large solid blocks of color can damage our printer.
  • For general tips on creating academic posters, including resources for designing posters from scratch, click here.