CETL provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals
in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate
education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. Click
on the title of a journal to visit its home page.
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This directory was last updated in April, 2024. To submit a request to make a change
or an addition to this list, please contact us at cetl@kennesaw.edu.
KSU faculty can find a specific journal title or access full text articles by visiting
the KSU library website.
Computer Science Education aims to publish high-quality papers with a specific focus on teaching and learning within the computing discipline that are accessible and of interest to educators, researchers, and practitioners alike. Depending on their special interests, those working in the field may draw on subject areas as diverse as statistics, educational theory and the cognitive sciences in addition to technical computing knowledge. Sponsoring Organization: Taylor & Francis – March 28, 2020
Computers and Composition: An International Journal is devoted to exploring the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research. It provides a forum for discussing issues connected with writing and computer use. It also offers information about integrating computers into writing programs on the basis of sound theoretical and pedagogical decisions, and empirical evidence. Sponsoring Organization: Computers and Composition, Editor's Blog – March 27, 2020
Computers & Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high quality research, which extends theory and practice. The Editors welcome research papers on the pedagogical uses of digital technology, where the focus is broad enough to be of interest to a wider education community. Sponsoring Organization: Elsevier – March 26, 2020
Serves engineering, mathematics, and science faculties who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers. Sponsoring Organization: American Society for Engineering Education – March 24, 2020
Contemporary Educational Psychology publishes articles that involve the application of psychological theory and science to the educational process. Of particular relevance are descriptions of empirical research and the presentation of theory designed to either explicate or enhance the educational process. Sponsoring Organization: Science Direct – March 23, 2020
The CITE Journal is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, established and jointly sponsored by five professional associations (AMTE, ASTE, NCSS-CUFA, CEE, and SITE). This is the only joint venture of this kind in the field of teacher education. The journal’s online medium also allows authors to demonstrate the technologies about which they are writing, including video and audio segments, animation, virtual reality, Web links, and simulations. The CITE Journal was established with support from a U.S. Department of Education Catalyst grant. Sponsoring Organization: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education – March 22, 2020
Published annually by Harvard University until 2013, UPCEA's professional journal, the Continuing Higher Education Review (CHER), contains articles of relevance to issues of national and international importance in continuing and higher education. Sponsoring Organization: University Professional & Continuing Education Association – March 21, 2020
Contributions to Music Education is a refereed journal published by the Ohio Music Education Association. A primary purpose is to recognize and highlight the importance of social science research in guiding educational practice. Sponsoring Organization: Ohio Music Education Association – March 20, 2020
Publishes articles on research, theory development, and program applications with essential information for the preparation and supervision of counselors in various settings. Sponsoring Organization: Association for Counselor Education and Supervision – March 19, 2020
Curriculum Inquiry (CI) is a leading international journal in the field of curriculum studies. It is dedicated to studies of educational experience in schools, communities, families, and other local or transnational settings, using a range of theoretical and disciplinary approaches. Sponsoring Organization: Taylor & Francis – March 18, 2020