CETL Programs and Services for Part-Time Faculty
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) provides, promotes, and advances research-based pedagogies that foster student academic engagement, learning, and success for all faculty at Kennesaw State University of all ranks and classifications.
Faculty who teach part time are a vital and integral part of Kennesaw State’s instructional force. CETL is dedicated to providing adequate support and resources to help part-time faculty enhance their teaching practices.
If you have any questions regarding CETL programs and services or anything teaching-related, please contact CETL at cetl@kennesaw.edu or Misty Grayer, Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant for VITAL faculty at mgrayer@kennesaw.edu.
Resources for Faculty Who Teach Part-Time
Expanding the Nest
Expanding the NEST is an initiative designed and supported by the CETL team for all Kennesaw State University Educators. We invite you to visit this website to learn more about this initiative and download the resource to review options to make a big impact on student success.
Select CETL Blogposts for Part-Time Faculty
Teaching Workshops/Webinars
CETL Scholarly Teaching' programs empower all educators at KSU, including those who teach part-time, to pursue excellence in their teaching within a scholarly, evidence-based framework.
Our workshops are offered on both the Kennesaw and Marietta campus. Webinars are are accessible from on and off campus.
Click here to view the CETL schedule of events for this semester.
Personalized Services
CETL’s personalized services are tailored to address your specific teaching needs and student success goals. Our offerings include one-on-one consultations which allow you to meet with a consultant to discuss ideas or practices you may find useful in your teaching. We also conduct classroom observations in which a consultant sits in on your class and then meets to share the type of feedback you requested. Finally, we conduct information-gathering sessions with focus groups of students or entire classes.
Click here for more information on CETL consultation and other custom services.
Outstanding Part-Time Teaching Award
KSU is incredibly proud of its faculty and their accomplishment. Many of our faculty boast national and international recognition for their leadership and innovation in their teaching, research and creative activity, and other professional endeavors. Thanks to Kennesaw State's robust faculty recognition program, we have historically recognized our faculty with awards in several categories.
The Outstanding Part-Time Teaching Award is designed to encourage, reward, and publicly acknowledge sustained excellence in teaching by part-time faculty. The award recognizes excellence in teaching practices that reflect the highest standards pedagogy, a record of outstanding teaching effectiveness, the ability to inspire, promote, and sustain the intellectual development of students, course and program development, fostering of critical thinking and independent inquiry of students.
Award Amount
Each award consists of $5,000.
Nomination Procedures
Each college is responsible for creating the process by which their nominees are chosen. College deans or their designees submit nominations. There are no limits on the number of nominees each college can submit. The selection committee can reactivate nominations submitted for 2 years after the original submission.
New Faculty Orientation
New Faculty Orientation provides new part-time and full-time faculty at KSU the opportunity to develop an understanding of KSU’s mission and culture, introduces available resources and departments that can help achieve professional goals, and creates the space for part-time instructor community building. Invitations for orientation are mailed out late spring/early summer each year.
Teaching Academy for Part-Time Faculty (Funded Opportunity)
If you are a KSU part-time instructor or part-time assistant professor wishing to energize your teaching and to take it to the next level, this two-day program is for you! Held during Kennesaw State's spring break, this Teaching Academy will introduce you to research on student learning, information processing and skill development, and to teaching strategies tailored to foster deep lasting learning in your students. Rather than simply listening to presenters, the sessions will be very interactive, and there will be time during the two days dedicated to apply the theories and research to your own courses. Some of the topics discussed will include:
- Student's Prior Knowledge
- Information Processing and Knowledge Organization
- Student Motivation
- Practice and Feedback
- Student Development
- Course Climate
- Metacognition
Upon completion each Academy participant will receive $750 additional pay.
All currently active part-time KSU faculty who have not previously attended. Must be able to attend both both days of the event from 8am to 5pm.
Click here for more information on dates, application process, and this year's application deadline.
Stay Informed
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning posts all faculty workshops, special events, upcoming funding deadlines, and announcements in the Localist so that faculty has an option to recieve weekly reminders of what's coming up at CETL.
We have also started a monthly newsletter that can highlights our upcoming offerings for the month.
For questions about part-time faculty advocacy at KSU, please visit the Part-time Faculty Council Website.