Past Events: Page 20

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  • Promotion Review Workshop for Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

    Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 | 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Facilitated by: Michele DiPietro and Meghan Burke This webinar is designed for full-time faculty not on the tenure track who will be submitting their portfolios in Fall for a promotion review. While all the rules, schedules, forms and procedures can be found in the Faculty Affairs website, preparing all the relevant documentation is a momentous endeavor that can generate questions and perplexities. Furthermore, the narrative is a genre few faculty are practiced in. We will review requirements and timelines, as well as share common pitfalls and suggestions for crafting an effective portfolio.  –  May 05, 2020

  • Pre-Tenure, Promotion & Tenure Review Workshop for Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty

    Thursday, May 5th, 2020 | 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Facilitated by: Michele DiPietro and Meghan Burke This webinar is designed for full-time faculty on the tenure track who will be submitting their portfolios in Fall for pre-tenure review or promotion and tenure review. While all the rules, schedules, forms and procedures can be found in the Faculty Affairs website, preparing all the relevant documentation is a momentous endeavor that can generate questions and perplexities. Furthermore, the narrative is a genre few faculty are practiced in. We will review requirements and timelines, as well as share common pitfalls and suggestions for crafting an effective portfolio. Full-time non-tenure track faculty in departments that require a third year review should consult with their chairs to understand the expectations for that review.  –  May 05, 2020

  • An Invitation to Learn: Re-Envisioning Your Syllabus

    Monday April 27th, 2020 | 1:25 - 2:15 p.m. Facilitator: Mandy McGrew Your syllabus might be your students’ first impression of you and your course - what does it say about you? Many faculty assume students don’t read the syllabus and that might very well be true, but if you compose your syllabus so that it is something students will want to read - and will need to read - you enhance the likelihood that they will engage and interact with the document throughout the semester. In this webinar, we will discuss the components of a learning-centered syllabus and consider how we can revise our own syllabi to make them more learning-centered. By using the syllabus as a tool to communicate with and engage students we can invite them to share in our passion for learning.  –  April 27, 2020

  • CANCELLED Post-Annual Review Reflection, Mindset, and Strategic Planning

    Friday. April 24th, 2020 Facilitator: Esther Jordan and Traci Stromie Your annual review documents have been submitted and your meeting with your chair/director has come and gone -- now what? In this post-annual review workshop we will explore research-based best practices for reflecting on your review, processing the feedback you received, and creating a strategic plan for moving forward and flourishing in the year to come.  –  April 24, 2020

  • Leading in a COVID Context

    Date: April 24,2020 | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m Facilitator: Michele DiPietro,Este Jordan,and Traci Stromie The transition to online work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it new leadership challenges. This webinar for deans,directors,and chairs will explore how to lead remotely in this time of disruption and uncertainty. It will provide a synthesis of recommendations from recent articles and external webinars on the topic. In addition,participants will be asked to share the challenges they have experienced and any approaches to leadership they have found to be effective in this new territory.  –  April 24, 2020

  • Leading in a COVID Context

    Friday, April 24th, 2020 | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Facilitator: Michele DiPietro, Esther Jordan, and Traci Stromie The transition to online work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it new leadership challenges. This webinar for deans, directors, and chairs will explore how to lead remotely in this time of disruption and uncertainty. It will provide a synthesis of recommendations from recent articles and external webinars on the topic. In addition, participants will be asked to share the challenges they have experienced and any approaches to leadership they have found to be effective in this new territory.  –  April 24, 2020

  • Maintaining Motivation: Important but not Urgent Work that Energizes and Inspires Us

    Monday, April 20th, 2020 | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Facilitated by: Traci Stromie Often, there are competing demands on your time as a faculty member. Courses need to be taught and papers must be graded. You might also be working on a new research project or wrapping up a paper. These tasks, and others, are scheduled and completed between meetings and other service commitments. In this webinar, you will reflect on how you spend your time, the ways certain tasks draw you closer to your goals, and how to make space for work that energizes and inspires you.  –  April 20, 2020

  • Creating Lasting Impact: Reflective Assignments for HIP Courses

    Thursday, April 16th, 2020 | 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Facilitator: Hillary Steiner Well-designed reflection activities can help students see the relevance of their high-impact practice experiences as they integrate their new experiences into existing knowledge. Reflection activities also provide a framework for planning new learning by allowing students to simultaneously consider past, present, and future learning experiences. Join us for this interactive webinar to create reflection assignments that will transform your students' thinking and align with the goals of KSU's It's About Engagement! initiative.  –  April 16, 2020

  • Inclusive Leadership: Developing a Diversity Lens

    Date: April 15,2020 | 9:30 - 11:00am Facilitator: Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler,Chief Diversity Officer This interactive webinar will challenge participants own assumptions about diversity,inclusion,and leadership. You will learn how learned leadership practices often work against organizational cohesion. Participants will: Develop a working understanding of unconscious bias and how biases can influence your leadership style and interactions with others; Learn about the business case for diversity and inclusion in the workforce; Explore how organizational culture impacts inclusion efforts and organizational success; Learn strategies to be more inclusive in your leadership approach Register for this webinar below. Participants will be emailed the webinar information.  –  April 15, 2020

  • CANCELED Performance-Based Learning - A Model for Student Achievement

    Monday, April 13th, 2020 | 11:15 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Facilitator: Tris Utschig Instructors often enjoy working with honors students because they can elevate learning well beyond typical outcomes for a course. This additional development typically goes beyond learning and into development of themselves as vital contributors in their future discipline who can conduct valuable research and contribute solutions to significant problems in contexts for their disciplinary and other relevant communities. How can we create these conditions systematically for all learners?  –  April 13, 2020
