Powerful Storytelling: Stories as a Developmental and Pedagogical Tool

Wednesday, September 7, 2022 | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Event Type: Workshop
Location: CETL Lab, 3211 Campus Loop Road
Facilitator: Michele DiPietro

Uncertainty and rapid change are not easy to navigate, and the familiar strategies we want to go back to might no longer serve us. In these times, it is helpful to a solid grounding in ourselves. Stories are a powerful tool for ourselves and our students. They allow us to be known as we wish to be known. In this workshop we will explore story as a tool for empowerment and growth, both for ourselves and for our students. We will explore ways of telling our story that leave space for unfinished, messy, or nonlinear stories. We will explore the possibility of seeing our personal story as an individual expression of more general archetypes. We will brainstorm ways of using stories in our courses and of charting our own professional trajectory. 


Registration for this event has closed. For more informaiton, please contact cetl@kennesaw.edu