About Faculty Success

CETL Faculty Success is a team of tenured faculty coaches who have completed accredited International Coaching Federation training. We use research-based educational and organizational development practices to support faculty in their pursuit of career success and recognition at Kennesaw State University. 

Support Areas

  • Career Pathways and Progression
  • Community Building 
  • Early Career Success 
  • Promotion, Tenure, and Review 
  • Scholarship Productivity 
  • Awards and Funding 


  • Faculty Success Coaching  
  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Tenured Faculty Enhancement Program
  • USG and KSU Faculty Award Coordination
  • Workshops, Webinars, and Book Chats
  • Mutual Mentoring and Writing Accountability Groups 

Our Team

  • Jennifer Purcell

    Jennifer Purcell Interim Faculty Success Director and Coach, and Associate Professor of Political Science

    Interim Faculty Success Director and Coach, and Associate Professor of Political Science

    Phone: (470) 578-2863
    Email: jpurce10@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 5071

    Dr. Purcell serves as the Interim Director for Faculty Success and leads the CETL-Faculty Success (CFS) team, helps direct New Faculty Orientation, the Faculty Success Coaching program, and the Mutual Mentoring Group program. She also helps develop and facilitate custom workshops at the request of chairs and deans and serves as the lead mentor for Parents in Academia MMG. Purcell is an associate professor in the School of Government and International Affairs where she teaches in the Master of Public Administration and Political Science programs.


    Dr. Purcell is a leadership scholar whose research explores leadership capacity building and boundary spanning in public organizations. Her scholarship has earned university and national recognition, including the 2020 Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity Award from the University College, the 2018 KSU Outstanding Early Career Faculty Award, the 2016 AASCU John Saltmarsh Award for Emerging Leaders in Civic Engagement, the 2016 Kiesler Service Award, and the 2015 University College Faculty Development Award. In 2023, Purcell was awarded KSU Tenured Faculty Enhancement Leave.


    Dr. Purcell is active in numerous leadership roles nationally and at KSU. She is the GA State Chair for the ACE Women's Network, an Executive Council Member for the Georgia Association for Women in High Education, Co-Chair of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium's Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop, and serves on the Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship Editorial Board. Previously, Purcell served as the 2018-2019 KSU Faculty Senate President, the inaugural Graduate Faculty Fellow, and Interim Graduate Program Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Ethics.

  • Chinasa Elue

    Chinasa Elue CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Career Pathways and Progression and Associate Professor of Education Leadership

    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Career Pathways and Progression and Associate Professor of Education Leadership

    Phone: (470) 578-2493
    Email: celue@kennesaw.edu
    Location: BEB 462

    As a CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Career Pathways and Progression, Dr. Elue is on a 50% teaching workload reassignment to CETL. She directs the Career Pathways and Progression workshop series, is a success coach for faculty, and facilitates the Flourishing After Tenure and BIPOC Mutual Mentoring Groups. 
    In addition to her role at CETL, Dr. Elue is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Higher Education in the Department of Educational Leadership. Dr. Elue teaches graduate level courses in the Department of Educational Leadership and in the newly launched Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Administration. Her research focuses on issues of educational access and equity for marginalized populations across the P-20 continuum.
  • Letizia Guglielmo

    Letizia Guglielmo CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Scholarship Productivity, Lead Coach, and Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies

    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Scholarship Productivity, Lead Coach, and Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies

    Phone: (470) 578-6764
    Email: lgugliel@kennesaw.edu
    Location: EB 106

    As the CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Scholarship Productivity, Dr. Guglielmo is on a 50% teaching workload reassignment to CETL. She directs the Scholarship Productivity workshop series, is the Lead Coach for faculty success, and facilitates the Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks and Write Here Write Now writing accountability groups. 
    In addition to her CETL fellowship, Dr. Guglielmo is a Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies, past Coordinator of the Gender and Women's Studies Program, and former Interim Chair of English. She teaches courses in professional writing and gender studies. Her research and writing focus on feminist rhetoric and pedagogy, gender and pop culture, digital media in the writing classroom, collaboration, and professional development for students, faculty, and department chairs.
  • Carmen Skaggs

    Carmen Skaggs CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Early Career Success and Professor of English

    Carmen Skaggs photoPosition:
    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Early Career Success and Professor of English

    Phone: (470) 578-6793
    Email: cskaggs4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: KH 4443

    As a CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Early Career Success, Dr. Skaggs is on a 50% teaching workload reassignment to CETL. She directs the Early Career Success workshop series, serves as a success coach for faculty, and facilitates the mutual mentoring groups for Early Career Tenure Track Faculty, Chairs and Directors, and Assistant/Associate Deans.

    In addition to her CETL Fellowship, Dr. Skaggs is Professor of English in the Department of English. From 2015-2021, she served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Prior to joining KSU in 2015, Dr. Skaggs was Chair of the Department of English at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia. Her research examines the literary work as a site for negotiating the tension between the social and cultural.

Affiliated Lead Mentors

  • Theresa Alviar

    Theresa Alviar Global Affairs Division Faculty Fellow for International Support and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

    Theresa Alviar-MartinPosition:
    Global Affairs Division Faculty Fellow for International Support and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

    Phone: (470) 578-5066
    Email: talviar@kennesaw.edu
    Location: KH 3209

    Dr. Alviar serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Global Faculty Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Animesh Aditya

    Animesh Aditya Senior Lecturer of Medicinal and Organic Chemistry

    Senior Lecturer of Medicinal and Organic Chemistry

    Phone: (470) 578-2046
    Email: aaditya@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SC 432

    Dr. Aditya serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Early Career Lecturers Mutual Mentoring Group. 
  • Corinne McNamara

    Corinne McNamara Chair, Department of Psychological Science

    Corrine McNamaraPosition:
    Chair, Department of Psychological Science

    Phone: (470) 578-6225
    Email: cmcnama4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4034

    Dr. McNamara serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Chairs and Directors Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Thierry Leger

    Thierry Leger RCHSS Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Excellence

    Thierry LegerPosition:
    RCHSS Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Excellence

    Phone: (470) 578-6366
    Email: tleger@kennesaw.edu
    Location: PS 139

    Dr. Leger serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Assistant and Associate Deans Mutual Mentoring Group. 
  • Tanja Link

    Tanja Link Assistant Chair, Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology

    Tanja LinkPosition:
    Assistant Chair, Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology

    Phone: (470) 578-2292
    Email: tlink1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4060

    Dr. Link serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Assistant and Associate Chairs Mutual Mentoring Group. 
  • Darlene Rodriguez- Schaefer

    Darlene Rodriguez- Schaefer Associate Professor of Social Work and Human Services

    Associate Professor of Social Work and Human Services

    Phone: (470) 578-3669
    Email: drodri30@kennesaw.edu
    Location: HS 3313

    Ms. Rodriguez-Schaefer serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Parents in Academia Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Chinasa Elue

    Chinasa Elue CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Career Pathways and Progression and Associate Professor of Education Leadership

    Chinasa EluePosition:
    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Career Pathways and Progression and Associate Professor of Education Leadership

    Phone: (470) 578-2493
    Email: celue@kennesaw.edu
    Location: BEB 462

    Dr. Elue serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the BIPOC and FlourishingAfter Tenure Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Carmen Skaggs

    Carmen Skaggs CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Early Career Success and Professor of English

    Carmen Skaggs Position:
    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Early Career Success and Professor of English

    Phone: (470) 578-6793
    Email: cskaggs4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: KH 4443

    Dr. Skaggs  serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the EarlyCareer Tenure Track Faculty Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Jennifer Purcell

    Jennifer Purcell Interim Faculty Success Director and Coach, and Associate Professor of Political Science

    Jennifer PurcellPosition:
    Interim Faculty Success Director and Coach, and Associate Professor of Political Science

    Phone: (470) 578-2863
    Email: jpurce10@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 5071

    Dr. Purcell serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Parents in Academia Mutual Mentoring Group. 
  • Michele DiPietro

    Michele DiPietro Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Professor of Mathematics

    Michele DiPietroPosition:
    Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Professor of Mathematics

    Phone: (470) 578-6410
    Email: mdipietr@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3211 - 113

    Dr. DiPietro serves as the Faculty Success Lead Mentor for the Post Docs Mutual Mentoring Group.
  • Letizia Guglielmo

    Letizia Guglielmo CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Scholarship Productivity, Lead Coach, and Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies

    Letizia GuglielmoPosition:
    CETL Faculty Success Fellow for Scholarship Productivity, Lead Coach, and Professor of English and Interdisciplinary Studies

    Phone: (470) 578-6764
    Email: lgugliel@kennesaw.edu
    Location: EB 106

    Dr. Guglielmo serves as the Faculty Sucess Lead Mentor forthe Write Here, Write Now Mutual Mentoring Group.