Leading Effective Collaborations

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

Event Type: Webinar
Location: Virtual
Facilitator: Misty Grayer

Leading effective collaborations can be one of the most challenging aspect of leadership. Whether the collaborations among students, staff, faculty, or other leaders, research-based collaboration management practices can make a big difference in collaboration efficacy. This webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Misty Grayer, whose research focus is on collaborative governance as well as the intersection of law and public management, and by Este Jordan, whose research focus is civil society, social capital, and faculty development. She will provide an overview of the research on leading effective collaborations, with an emphasis on change management and goal alignment. Participants will practice applying the research findings to a higher education leadership case.   

Registration for this event has closed. Please contact cetl@kennesaw.edu for more information.