CETL Scholarly Teaching Announces New Fellow, Dr. David Glassmeyer

CETL Scholarly Teaching is excited to introduce our summer Fellow for Online Pedagogy, Dr. David Glassmeyer, Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education.

Dr. Glassmeyer is an associate professor of mathematics education and currently serves as the CETL Faculty Fellow for Online Pedagogy. He teaches graduate-level mathematics and mathematics education courses within KSU’s online M.Ed. and Ed.S. Secondary Education programs and has remotely mentored several doctoral students to completion. He aims to help teachers increase STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) integration and understanding for themselves and their students. As a mathematics education researcher, David focuses on examining and developing teachers’ STEM content knowledge at the middle and secondary levels, specifically on teachers’ reasoning of mathematics concepts, as well as best practices in online mathematics teacher education.

David's experience with online teaching and learning:

  • Began teaching online in 2010 and since joining KSU has taught 43 online sections of courses totaling 129 credit hours
  • Received the 2020 University System of Georgia Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award for Online Teaching
  • Received the 2020 Bagwell College of Education Award for Teaching
  • Published several works about online education, including:
    • A practitioner-based essay in Engaged Student Learning: Essays on Best Practices in the University System of Georgia (Glassmeyer, upcoming)
    • A chapter in the Handbook of Research on Online Pedagogical Models for Mathematics Teacher Education (Glassmeyer, 2020)
    • Peer-reviewed articles on best practices in online education focusing on topics such as virtual community (Glassmeyer, Dibbs, & Jensen, 2011) and ethical online data collection (Glassmeyer & Dibbs, 2012)
    • A chapter in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education (Ku, Akarasriworn, Rice, Glassmeyer, Mendoza, & Hauk, 2011)
  • Certified in Quality Matters and created three Quality Matters approved KSU courses (with a fourth in development)

Dr. Glassmeyer’s focus will be primarily to assist faculty with designing and delivering effective online instruction grounded in learning-based principles. In collaboration with Dr. Glassmeyer, CETL Scholarly Teaching is offering the summer series, “Virtual Workshops on Best Practices in Online Instruction” to support faculty as they convert courses for remote learning.

Welcome to CETL, Dr. Glassmeyer!
