KSU Global Forum

Friday, April 21st, 2023 | 1:00 - 4:45 p.m.

Facilitator: Global Faculty Mutual Mentoring Group
Location: Interactive Research Methods Lab, Bagwell College of Education, Room 403

The KSU Global Faculty Group and Global Education invite presentations to the KSU Global Forum. In line with Kennesaw State University’s strategic goals, the forum seeks to promote research with relevance while nurturing a welcoming campus climate that supports a broad marketplace of ideas (R2 Roadmap).
Research plays a vital role in confronting economic and societal problems in an interconnected global community (Office of Research Vision). The Covid pandemic, challenges to mental and emotional health, environmental degradation, widening inequalities, and persistent colonial legacies exemplify issues that necessitate interdisciplinary, collaborative, and/or transnational studies to imagine solutions and alternative futures (Denman, 2005). Yet, research in the twenty-first century continues to be dominated by Eurocentric worldviews, hampered by narrow traditions of scholarship, and conditioned by long-standing “professional criteria of criticism and dissemination” (Appadurai, 2002, 237).  

We encourage KSU faculty and student-researchers to present their scholarship, while students who are not engaged in research are invited to share their hopes and visions in solving global issues that they deem important. Each session will conclude with discussions among faculty, students, and community members to highlight how the presentations inform teaching, research, community-building, and service at KSU. Ultimately, we aim to spark conversations and dialogue towards the nature of research and our university’s role in an increasingly complex, unequal, yet interdependent world. 

Program Schedule

If you would like to attend via Teams, please click here to open the virtual meeting.

  • Dr. Michele DiPietro
    Executive Director for Faculty Development, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

    Dr. Sheb True
    Associate Vice Provost for Global Engagement

    • Discussant: Dr. Peter Fielding, Associate Dean, College of the Arts
    • 1:10 - 1:25 p.m.

      Indigenous Voices, Learning Stories, and Kinship with the Land: Inspirations from Early Childhood Education in New Zealand

      Dr. Linda Grant 
      Bagwell College of Education

    • 1:25 -1:40 p.m.

      “I Never Knew I Had a Culture”: Nursing Student Perceptions of the Intercultural Development Plan and Guided Reflection on Intercultural Development

      Dr. Christie Emerson 
      Wellstar School of Nursing

    • 1:40-1:55 p.m.

      Empowering a Sense of Belonging in Art Classrooms: Transnational and Intersectional Experiences

      Dr. Kyungeun Lim 
      College of the Arts

    • 1:55-2:10 p.m.

      Revisiting Identities through Art Making

      Camila Pena and Jessica Nicholson
      College of the Arts

    • 2:10 - 2:20 p.m.


    • Discussant: Dr. Jianming Wen, Assistant Professor of Optical Physics, College of Science and Mathematics
    • 2:25 - 2:40 p.m. 

      Fallout in Fukushima: Helping Japanese Farmers Recover from Radioactive Soil Contamination

      Dr. Daniel Ferreira 
      College of Science and Mathematics

    • 2:40 - 2:55 p.m. 

      Computational Studies on Electrostatic Interactions between Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) and DNA in base excision repair (BER)

      Dr. Choe Xie
      College of Computing and Software Engineering

    • 2:55 - 3:10 p.m. 

      Data analysis and visualization in COVID-19 Worldwide Variants Study

      Thanusha Sai Ande 
      College of Computing and Software Engineering

    • 3:10 - 3:25 p.m.

      Insight into current COVID-19 variants and data science applications

      Ravi Potlapalli
      College of Computing and Software Engineering

    • 3:25 - 3:35 p.m.


    • Discussant: Dr. Ginny Zhan, Professor of Psychology, Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences 
    • 3:40-3:55 p.m.

      Mental Health and Self-Concept: Comparison of U.S. and Peruvian University Students

      (study conducted with Drs. Patrick Devine, Katherine Burgess, Adele Barski, & Tasi Levao, KSU and Dr. Silvana Caceres, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas)

      Dr. Gail Scott and Dr. Christine Ziegler
      Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences

    • 3:55-4:10 p.m.

      Latinx Students and Culturally-relevant Learning

      Brittany Aguilar 
      Bagwell College of Education 

    • 4:10 - 4:25 p.m

      Teaching and Learning about Imperialism through a Critical Refugee Studies Lens

      Dr. Sohyun An 
      Bagwell College of Education

    • 4:25 - 4:35 p.m.


  • Dr. Yian Xu
    Assistant Professor of Psychology, Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences
