Tenure Faculty Enhancement Program Application Workshop

Wednesday, August 31, 2022 | 3:00 - 4:00 p.m

Event Type: Workshop
Location: CETL Lab, 3211 Campus Loop Road
Facilitators: Michele DiPietro and Amanda DesLauriers

The Tenured Faculty Enhancement Program is a competitive award program intended to assist tenured faculty in devoting an entire semester to foster their professional development through research and/or creative activity. 

The program has been updated to reflect the university's upgraded status as an R2 institution. This workshop will review these updated eligibility and submission requirements, key components of the application, and strategies for constructing a compelling proposal to enhance a faculty member’s research and/or creative activity that aligns with the university’s goal of becoming an excellent R2 institution.


The registration for this event has closed. If you would still like to attend or have any further inquiries, please contact cetl@kennesaw.edu