Teaching Journals Directory: Page 2

CETL provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. Click on the title of a journal to visit its home page.

You can filter results using the “Topic in Higher Education” or “Discipline” drop-down menus. To return to the full list, set the drop-down menu options to “Any.”

This directory was last updated in October, 2024. To submit a request to make a change or an addition to this list, please contact us at cetl@kennesaw.edu

KSU faculty can find a specific journal title or access full text articles by visiting the KSU library website.


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  • Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education

    The Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) publishes original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching, and provide readily adoptable resources in biology education. JMBE welcomes thoughtful and supported submissions pertaining to scholarly teaching in undergraduate, graduate and professional (e.g., medical school) education, K-12 outreach, and informal education. Sponsoring Organization: American Society for Microbiology  –  July 11, 2019

  • Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education

    JUNE is an online journal for undergraduate neuroscience faculty that publishes peer-reviewed reports of innovations in undergraduate neuroscience education. JUNE serves as a mechanism for faculty to exchange information regarding topics such as laboratory exercises, new media, curricular considerations, and teaching methods. Sponsoring Organization: Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience  –  May 20, 2019

  • Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology

    A peer-reviewed web-based collection of ecological educational materials. TIEE is a resource for busy ecology faculty who are looking for new ways to reach their students, or who perhaps want to learn more about teaching and learning. Sponsoring Organization: Ecological Society of America  –  November 15, 2018
