Exploring the Synergy between Artificial Intelligence and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): Inspiring Educators to Integrate Innovative AI Tools in the Classroom

This conference session aims to foster an interactive and lively discussion surrounding the profound impact and influential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). By engaging in SoTL research, educators can enhance their understanding of how AI tools can be effectively leveraged within the classroom to optimize teaching practices and student learning outcomes. This session will explore the potential of SoTL research in facilitating successful integration of innovative AI approaches and elucidating their impact on student learning. 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand a basic history and development of artificial intelligence that is now commonly used in education.  
  • Engage in a collaborative discussion to exchange ideas, experiences, and best practices for utilizing AI tools in the classroom, informed by SoTL research.
  • Gain insight into the potential benefits and challenges associated with integrating AI tools in the classroom through the lens of SoTL research.
  • Explore the role of SoTL in helping educators understand how to effectively integrate AI tools with teaching practices to enhance learning outcomes. 



  • melanie hamilton

    Melanie Hamilton, Ph.D.

    Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
    University of Saskatchewan

    Melanie Hamilton EdD is the Director of the Centre for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Hamilton was awarded an ISSoTL Fellowship in 2020. She is currently Chair of SoTL Canada and VP Canada for ISSoTL Board of Directors. Dr. Hamilton has presented extensively both nationally and internationally on a variety of SoTL topics. Her research includes: SoTL and academic integrity, mid-career faculty and early career researchers, and SoTL Leadership. She is a registered nurse by discipline and taught in the higher education classroom and clinical setting for over 20 years before transitioning into SoTL programming and development. Dr. Hamilton currently teachers in the Graduate Certificate and Masters of SoTL program. 

