Felton Jenkins, Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty Award

This is the USG’s traditional teaching excellence recognition, awarded to one faculty member for sustained excellence in their courses. 

Official USG Award Guidelines

You can view the full description and the USG criteria for eligibility here.


  • Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 5:00pm - deadline for each Dean or designee to submit nominations to the Dean’s council.  

  • Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 5:00pm  - deadline for each Dean or designees to submit ratings for nominees in Qualtrics.  

  • Thursday, September 21, 2023 - deadline for Deans’ Council to finalize campus nominees.  

  • Friday, December 1, 2023 - final deadline for KSU to submit campus nominations to USG.

Previous KSU Winners

Prof. Margaret Baldwin, Theater and Performance Studies, 2016
Prof. Pam Marek, Psychology, 2015
Prof. Sabine Smith, Modern Languages, 2011
Prof. Karen Robinson, Theater and Performance Studies, 2010
Prof. Carol Barnum (former Southern Polytechnic State University), 2009
Prof. Mary Garner, Mathematics and Statistics, 2007
Prof. Gail Schiffer, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2003
Prof. Sarah Robbins, English, 2002
Prof. Carol Edwards, School of Art and Design, 2000
Prof. Jo Allen Bradham, English, 1997

Nomination Process

KSU has an established process for this award. The winners of the Outstanding Teaching award from the previous year(s) are considered for campus submission to the Regents. The dean or their representative for each recipient of the Outstanding Teaching award should submit a 1-page PDF document summarizing the winning application packet and the fit with the award criteria. The dean or their desginee can submit a nominee application below. 

To submit a nomination, the college dean or their designee should:

  1. Download and complete the Cover Sheet for the award nominee.

  2. Add the completed Cover Sheet to the prepared 1-page nomination and save as 1 file.

  3. Click on the name of your college below to access the OneDrive folder where you will upload the file containing the cover sheet and nomination for your college.
    If access is denied, please contact CETL at cetl@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-6410.

  4. Click on the Upload button at the top of the page in OneDrive to upload the nomination file.

The college dean or their designee and each nominee will receive a confirmation email for their nomination within one business day.
