
  • Roxanne Donovan Headshot

    Dr. Roxanne Donovan

    Dr. Roxanne Donovan is a licensed psychologist, Professor of Psychology at Kennesaw State University, and a nationally recognized expert on topics of well-being. She brings an intersectional lens rooted in liberation to her scholarship, publishing and presenting extensively on the role of sociocultural factors in the mental health outcomes of Black women and other people of color. Her two coauthored books, Teaching Diversity Relationally and Unraveling Assumptions, apply psychological and social justice frameworks to the understanding and teaching of diversity. Through her workshops and mentoring, she has supported hundreds of faculty toward purpose-driven lives of meaning, fulfillment, and vitality. Integrated with her professional identities are her rich and multilayered roles as spouse, mama, sister, and auntie.

    • Michele DiPietro Headshot

      Dr. Michele DiPietro

      Dr. Michele DiPietro is the Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and a Professor in the School of Data Science and Analytics at Kennesaw State University. With their former Carnegie Mellon colleagues, Dr. DiPietro is a co-author of “How Learning Works: 8 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching,” now in its second edition. Upon encountering Ashtanga Yoga in Hawaii in 2002, they became an avid yoga practitioner, and have been a certified yoga teacher at the 200-hour level since 2010. Since joining KSU in 2010, they have led Faculty Learning Communities on Yoga and Contemplative Pedagogy. They have published and presented several workshops on using yoga philosophy, and in particular the Chakra system, for personal growth, organizational development, professional renewal, and LGBTQ liberation. Their scholarship has been translated into several languages (Chinese, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Arabic).  Dr. DiPietro is the 2015 recipient of the Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD award, the highest honor bestowed in the field of educational development for professional achievement and legacy to the field.
