Teaching Journals Directory: Page 3

CETL provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. Click on the title of a journal to visit its home page.

You can filter results using the “Topic in Higher Education” or “Discipline” drop-down menus. To return to the full list, set the drop-down menu options to “Any.”

This directory was last updated in October, 2024. To submit a request to make a change or an addition to this list, please contact us at cetl@kennesaw.edu

KSU faculty can find a specific journal title or access full text articles by visiting the KSU library website.


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  • MountainRise

    Peer-reviewed, international electronic journal published twice a year by the Coulter Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning at Western Carolina University for the purpose of being an international vehicle for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL). Sponsoring Organization: MountainRise  –  March 30, 2019

  • New Directions for Teaching and Learning

    (NDTL) has brought a unique blend of theory, research, and practice to leaders in postsecondary education. NDTL sourcebooks strive not only for solid substance but also for timeliness, compactness, and accessibility. The series has four goals: to inform readers about current and future directions in teaching and learning in postsecondary education, to illuminate the context that shapes these new directions, to illustrate these new directions through examples from real settings, and to propose ways in which these new directions can be incorporated into still other settings Sponsoring Organization: Wiley  –  March 18, 2019

  • Pedagogy Culture & Society

    Pedagogy, Culture & Society is a fully-refereed international journal that seeks to provide an international forum for pedagogy discussion and debate. The identity of the journal is built on the belief that pedagogy debate has the following features: Pedagogy debate is not restricted by geographical boundaries: its participants are the international educational community and its proceedings appeal to a worldwide audience. Pedagogy debate is open and democratic: it is not the preserve of teachers, politicians, academics or administrators but requires open discussion. Sponsoring Organization: Taylor & Francis  –  February 27, 2019

  • Perspectives in Learning

    Perspectives in Learning is a refereed journal that is published online by the College of Education and Health Professions at Columbus State University. The scope of the journal includes teaching and learning. Interpretation of teaching and learning is open to include all levels and settings. The journal seeks submissions of manuscripts from all authors, students, faculty, or collaborative partners, both within and outside the university. The journal is led by co-editors who are full-time faculty members from the College of Education and Health Professions. Sponsoring Organization: College of Education and Health Professions, Columbus State University  –  February 24, 2019

  • Reaching Through Teaching (Archives)

    (Discontinued) Published invited essays and peer-reviewed scholarship on teaching. Annually published abstracts from the Georgia Conference on College and University Teaching. Sponsoring Organization: Kennesaw State University Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning  –  February 01, 2019

  • Social Education

    Social Education, our peer-reviewed, flagship journal, contains a balance of theoretical content and practical teaching ideas. The award-winning resources include techniques for using materials in the classroom, information on the latest instructional technology, reviews of educational media, research on significant social studies-related topics, and lesson plans that can be applied to various disciplines. Departments include Looking at the Law, Surfing the Net, and Teaching with Documents. Sponsoring Organization: National Council for the Social Studies  –  December 26, 2018

  • Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed.

    Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed. Good teachers are those who care about their students and want to grow more effective at helping them learn. The immediate purpose of Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed. is to support good teachers in their journey toward more effective teaching. This project is not aimed at inexperienced teachers, uninformed teachers, or underperforming teachers, though such teachers may certainly benefit from it. Instead, this project exists to support all good teachers—those who care and want to improve—however experienced, knowledgeable, or effective they may or may not already be. Sponsoring Organization: Teaching & Learning in Higher Ed.  –  December 01, 2018

  • Teaching and Learning Inquiry

    Teaching & Learning Inquiry is the official publication of the International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Published twice a year, it includes insightful research, theory, commentary, and other scholarly works that document or facilitate investigations of teaching and learning in higher education. TLI values quality and variety in its vision of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Sponsoring Organization: International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning  –  November 29, 2018

  • Teaching in Higher Education

    Teaching in Higher Education has become an internationally recognised field, which is more than ever open to multiple forms of contestation. However, the intellectual challenge which teaching presents has been inadequately acknowledged and theorised in higher education. Sponsoring Organization: Taylor & Francis  –  November 16, 2018

  • The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

    The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL) is a peer reviewed, trans-disciplinary, open-access electronic journal created and supported by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Sponsoring Organization: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education  –  October 21, 2018
