Teaching Journals Directory: Page 2

CETL provides an extensive list of external disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) focused on undergraduate and graduate education for teachers at colleges and universities, organized alphabetically. Click on the title of a journal to visit its home page.

You can filter results using the “Topic in Higher Education” or “Discipline” drop-down menus. To return to the full list, set the drop-down menu options to “Any.”

This directory was last updated in October, 2024. To submit a request to make a change or an addition to this list, please contact us at cetl@kennesaw.edu

KSU faculty can find a specific journal title or access full text articles by visiting the KSU library website.


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  • Journal of Curriculum and Teaching

    Journal of Curriculum and Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal, published by Sciedu Press. It is devoted to publishing research papers in curriculum and instruction, learning and teaching, and related disciplines at global and local levels, such as but not limited to curriculum theory, teaching methodology, program innovation, policy development, professional ethics, and assessment in education. Sponsoring Organization: Sciedu Press  –  September 09, 2019

  • Journal of Curriculum Studies

    Journal of Curriculum Studies publishes conceptually rich contributions to all areas of curriculum studies, including those derived from empirical, philosophical, sociological, or policy-related investigations. The journal welcomes innovative papers that analyse the ways in which the social and institutional conditions of education and schooling contribute to shaping curriculum, including political, social and cultural studies; education policy; school reform and leadership; teaching; teacher education; curriculum development; and assessment and accountability. Sponsoring Organization: Taylor & Francis  –  September 08, 2019

  • Journal of General Education

    For faculty, administrators, and policymakers, JGE is the professional forum for discussing issues in general education today. JGE addresses the general education concerns of community colleges, four-year colleges, universities, and state systems. Along with perceptive essays on the role of general education today, JGE features articles on innovative methods in teaching and assessment, profiles of exemplary general education programs, case studies of successful curriculum development efforts, and reviews of books and monographs related to general education. Sponsoring Organization: Project Muse  –  August 08, 2019

  • Journal of Instructional Pedagogies

    Publishes original, unpublished manuscripts related to contemporary instructional techniques and education issues. Educational topics related to delivery methods, implementation of classroom technologies, distance learning, class activities and assessment are typical topics. Sponsoring Organization: Academic and Business Research Institute  –  July 25, 2019

  • Journal of Pedagogic Development

    Developed in the Centre for Learning Excellence at the University of Bedfordshire. It is primarily an online resource but is available in hard copy for the first edition and will be in hard copy for future special editions. Submissions are particularly encouraged from staff who have published infrequently or not at all, providing that the subject of your piece is concerned with pedagogy. Reviews of recently-published books are also invited, as are reviews of pedagogic journals (subject-specific or otherwise). Sponsoring Organization: University of Bedfordshire Centre for Learning Excellence  –  June 30, 2019

  • Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL)

    Founded in 2001, the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL) is a forum for the dissemination of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in higher education for the community of teacher-scholars. Our peer reviewed Journal promotes SoTL investigations that are theory-based and supported by evidence. JoSoTL's objective is to publish articles that promote effective practices in teaching and learning and add to the knowledge base. The themes of the Journal reflect the breadth of interest in the pedagogy forum. Sponsoring Organization: Indiana University  –  June 13, 2019

  • Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice

    The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is a tri-annual, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers that add significantly to the body of knowledge describing effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment. The Journal aims to provide a forum for educational practitioners in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching and learning outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions published elsewhere. Sponsoring Organization: University of Wollongong Academic Services Division  –  May 18, 2019

  • Journal on Excellence in College Teaching

    The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal published at Miami University by and for faculty at universities and two- and four-year colleges to increase student learning through effective teaching, interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences. It answers Ernest Boyer's (1990) call for a forum to present the scholarship of teaching and learning. Sponsoring Organization: Miami University Center for Teaching Excellence  –  May 13, 2019

  • Learning and Instruction

    As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, Learning and Instruction provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific research in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigations. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. Sponsoring Organization: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction  –  May 02, 2019

  • Mind, Brain, and Education

    Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE)provides a forum for the scholarly communication of basic and applied research on learning and development, including analyses from biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and education. Sponsoring Organization: International Mind, Brain, and Education Society  –  April 03, 2019
